tone のオプションの全体
tone nil, true, "help"=>true
<< Description of options >>
option name default value # description:
"title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally
# determined)
"annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right
# margin even when newframe==true
"ltone" true # Same as udpack parameter ltone
"auto" false # Swith DCL.uetone and DCL.uetonf depending on the
# data size
"tonf" false # Use DCL.uetonf instead of DCL.uetone
"tonb" false # Use DCL.uetonb instead of DCL.uetone
"tonc" false # Use DCL.uetonc instead of DCL.uetone
"clr_min" nil # if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as
# the color number for the minimum data values.
# (the same can be done by setting the uepack
# parameter "icolor1")
"clr_max" nil # if an integer (in 10..99) is specified, used as
# the color number for the maximum data values.
# (the same can be done by setting the uepack
# parameter "icolor2")
"map_axes" false # [USE IT ONLY WHEN itr=10 (cylindrical)] If
# true, draws axes by temprarilly switching to
# itr=1 and calling GGraph::axes.
"keep" false # Use the tone levels and patterns used previously
"color_bar" false # Add a color bar: THIS IS ONLY FOR QUICK
# LOOK. Use the GGraph::color_bar method explicitly
# for full option control
"min" nil # minimum tone level
"max" nil # maximum tone level
"nlev" nil # number of levels
"interval" nil # contour interval
"help" false # show help message if true
"log" nil # approximately log-scaled levels (by using
# DCLExt::quasi_log_levels)
"log_cycle" 3 # (if log) number of levels in one-order (1 or 2
# or 3)
"levels" nil # tone levels (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works
# together with patterns
"patterns" nil # tone patters (Array/NArray of Numeric). Works
# together with levels
"exchange" false # whether to exchange x and y axes
"transpose" false # if true, exchange x and y axes
"xintv" 1 # interval of data sampling in x
"yintv" 1 # interval of data sampling in y
"xcoord" nil # Name of the coordinate variable for x-axis
"ycoord" nil # Name of the coordinate variable for y-axis
"slice" nil # An Array to be pathed to the GPhys#[] method to
# subset the data before plotting (order applied:
# slice -> cut -> mean)
"cut" nil # An Array or Hash to be pathed to the GPhys#cut
# method to subset the data before plotting (order
# applied: slice -> cut -> mean)
"mean" nil # An Array to be pathed to the GPhys#mean method to
# take mean of the data before plotting (order
# applied: slice -> cut -> mean)