GFD Dennou Club /
Dennou Ruby /
GPhys -- a multi-purpose class to handle Gridded Physical quantities
by T Horinouchi, S Nishizawa, S Takehiro, S Otsuka, R Mizuta, D Tsukahara, M Horikawa, T Koshiro, E Nishimoto
- Mar 19 2018 gphys-1.5.6 released (minor updates; bug fix; new additions: a PDE solver).
- Mar 4 2018 gphys-1.5.5 released (fixed an embag in 1.5.4).
- Mar 4 2018 gphys-1.5.4 released (minor updates).
- Jan 26 2018 gphys-1.5.3 released (minor updates).
- Apr 17 2017 gphys-1.5.2 released (minor updates).
- Jan 24 2017 gphys-1.5.1 released (minor updates).
- Jan 28 2016 gphys-1.5.0 released.
- Enhanced gpview, NetCDF-4 support, GAnalysis, etc.
- Improvement in GRIB data handling
- Feb 23 2015 gphys-1.4.3 released: very minor improvement of GGraph
- Feb 18 2015 gphys-1.4.2 released.
- added open_multi_gturl to support multiple object handling in gp-commands
- improved/enhanced GRIB handling
- updated/enhanced gp-commands (gpcat, gpview)
- added new modules in GAnalysis (SigmaCoord, LogP, MetZ, QG, QG_sphere)
- debug and minor improvement
- Sep 19 2014 gphys-1.4.1 released.
- Support JRA-55 grib data. Also, minor improvement & debug of the GRIB (GRIB1) handling.
- GGraph: minor improvement (to prevent segv in some environment).
- gpview: enhanced.
- added a numerical derivative method using FFT (fft_deriv)
- etc. (minor enhancement and debug)
- May 19 2014 gphys-1.4.0 released.
- GPhys#cut now supports cyclic extentions (e.g. lon 0...360 --> -180..180)
- Some new options in gpview, gpvect, gpcut
- GGraph: minor enhancement & debug
Installation with pacakges
See this page
The following libraries are required to use GPhys:
- Ruby 1.8 or 1.9 (Ruby 1.6 support was given up to use DateTime)
NArray: (0.5.7 or later required)
a multi-dimensional numeric array class for ruby.
- Misc (ver.0.1.0 or later required) Collection of miscellaneous common
basic libraries for Ruby programming.
- Units (ver.1.7 or later required)
Class of units of physical quantities.
NArrayMiss (ver.1.2.4 or later required) a multi-dimensional numeric array that handles data missing.
(at this moment, not used heavily, and GPhys is not tested well
for the use with NArrayMiss)
- RubyNetCDF
(ver 0.6.6 or later)
The Ruby interface of the NetCDF library.
- RubyDCL (ver 1.6.1 or later)
The Ruby interface of
the DCL graphic library
- Ruby-FFTW3 (ver 0.3 or later)
The Ruby interface of the FFTW (ver 3) library
- Ruby-GSL (ver 1.14 or later)
The Ruby interface of the GNU Scientific Library
The following libraries are recommended to use GPhys:
- Ruby-LAPACK (ver 1.5 or later)
A Ruby interface of LAPACK - Linear Algebra PACKage
The following is used if installed and explicitly specified on runtime,
but the present version (0.2.0) is not recommended unless NEEDED
(i.e., to read GRIB2 files). Otherwise, please wait a new version.
- rb-GRIB (ver 0.2.0 -- unstable!)
A Ruby interface of ECMWF's GRIB API (support GRIB1 and GRIB2 data).
If you have installed these libraries, to install GPhys is quite
% tar xvzf gphys-version.tar.gz
% cd gphys-version
% ruby extconf.rb
% make
% sudo make install
% sudo ruby install.rb
Last modified: Mon Mar 15 16:09:08 JST 2010