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[dennou-ruby:003649] Re: JRuby NetCDF-3 support

Dear Mr Botafogo,

Thank you for sharing the info. It is nice to hear that
NetCDF can be accessed via JRuby. (so I forward your message
to the GFD Dennou Ruby mailing list; cc'ed)

By the way, is the user inteface of MDArray is basically the
same as NArray? Is Colt a good library?


Takeshi Horinouchi

> Dear Mr. Takeshi Horinouchi,
> I've used Dennou Club NetCDF-3 previously and I was inspired by your work.
>  I've just implemented a first version of NetCDF-3 for JRuby, based on
> NetCDF-java libraries from UCAR.  I thought you might be interested in
> knowing it, so I'm including the announcement about this software.
> Sincerely,
> Rodrigo Botafogo
> Announcement
> ============
> MDArray version 0.5.4 has Just been released. MDArray is a multi
> dimensional array implemented
> for JRuby inspired by NumPy (www.numpy.org) and Masahiro Tanaka's Narray (
> narray.rubyforge.org).
> MDArray stands on the shoulders of Java-NetCDF and Parallel Colt.  At this
> point MDArray has
> libraries for mathematical, trigonometric and descriptive statistics
> methods.
> NetCDF-Java Library is a Java interface to NetCDF files, as well as to many
> other types of
> scientific data formats.  It is developed and distributed by Unidata
> (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu).
> Parallel Colt (
> http://grepcode.com/snapshot/repo1.maven.org/maven2/net.sourceforge.parallelcolt/
> parallelcolt/0.10.0/) is a multithreaded version of Colt (
> http://acs.lbl.gov/software/colt/).
> Colt provides a set of Open Source Libraries for High Performance
> Scientific and Technical
> Computing in Java. Scientific and technical computing is characterized by
> demanding problem
> sizes and a need for high performance at reasonably small memory footprint.
> For more information and (some) documentation please go to:
> https://github.com/rbotafogo/mdarray/wiki
> What's new:
> ===========
> NetCDF-3 File Support
> ---------------------
> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
> "NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and
> self-describing,
> machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and
> sharing of array-oriented
> scientific data. The project homepage is hosted by the Unidata program at
> the University
> Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). They are also the chief source
> of netCDF software,
> standards development, updates, etc. The format is an open standard. NetCDF
> Classic and 64-bit
> Offset Format are an international standard of the Open Geospatial
> Consortium.
> The project is actively supported by UCAR. Version 4.0 (released in 2008)
> allows the use of the
> HDF5 data file format. Version 4.1 (2010) adds support for C and Fortran
> client access to
> specified subsets of remote data via OPeNDAP.
> The format was originally based on the conceptual model of the Common Data
> Format developed by
> NASA, but has since diverged and is not compatible with it."
> This version of MDArray implements NetCDF-3 file support only.  NetCDF-4 is
> not yet supported.  At
> the end of this announcement we show the MDArray implementation of the
> NetCDF-3 file writing
> from the tutorial at:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/tutorial/NetcdfWriting.html
> MDArray and SciRuby:
> ====================
> MDArray subscribes fully to the SciRuby Manifesto (http://sciruby.com/).
> 迭uby has for some time had no equivalent to the beautifully constructed
> NumPy, SciPy, and
> matplotlib libraries for Python.
> We believe that the time for a Ruby science and visualization package has
> come. Sometimes
> when a solution of sugar and water becomes super-saturated, from it
> precipitates a pure,
> delicious, and diabetes-inducing crystal of sweetness, induced by no more
> than the tap of a
> finger. So is occurring now, we believe, with numeric and visualization
> libraries for Ruby.〓> 
> MDArray main properties are:
> ============================
>  + Homogeneous multidimensional array, a table of elements (usually
> numbers), all of the
>      same type, indexed by a tuple of positive integers;
>  + Easy calculation for large numerical multi dimensional arrays;
>  + Basic types are: boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, string,
> structure;
>  + Based on JRuby, which allows importing Java libraries;
>  + Operator: +,-,*,/,%,**, >, >=, etc.;
>  + Functions: abs, ceil, floor, truncate, is_zero, square, cube, fourth;
>  + Binary Operators: &, |, ^, ~ (binary_ones_complement), <<, >>;
>  + Ruby Math functions: acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, cbrt,
> cos, erf, exp,
>      gamma, hypot, ldexp, log, log10, log2, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, neg;
>  + Boolean operations on boolean arrays: and, or, not;
>  + Fast descriptive statistics from Parallel Colt (complete list found
> bellow);
>  + Easy manipulation of arrays: reshape, reduce dimension, permute,
> section, slice, etc.;
>  + Support for reading and writing NetCDF-3 files;
>  + Reading of two dimensional arrays from CSV files (mainly for debugging
> and simple testing
>      purposes);
>  + StatList: a list that can grow/shrink and that can compute Parallel Colt
> descriptive
>      statistics;
>  + Experimental lazy evaluation (still slower than eager evaluation).
> Descriptive statistics methods imported from Parallel Colt:
> ===========================================================
>   + auto_correlation, correlation, covariance, durbin_watson, frequencies,
> geometric_mean,
>   + harmonic_mean, kurtosis, lag1, max, mean, mean_deviation, median, min,
> moment, moment3,
>   + moment4, pooled_mean, pooled_variance, product, quantile,
> quantile_inverse,
>   + rank_interpolated, rms, sample_covariance, sample_kurtosis,
> sample_kurtosis_standard_error,
>   + sample_skew, sample_skew_standard_error, sample_standard_deviation,
> sample_variance,
>   + sample_weighted_variance, skew, split,  standard_deviation,
> standard_error, sum,
>   + sum_of_inversions, sum_of_logarithms, sum_of_powers,
> sum_of_power_deviations,
>   + sum_of_squares, sum_of_squared_deviations, trimmed_mean, variance,
> weighted_mean,
>   + weighted_rms, weighted_sums, winsorized_mean.
> Double and Float methods from Parallel Colt:
> ============================================
>   + acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, exp, floor, greater, IEEEremainder,
> inv, less, lg,
>   + log, log2, rint, sin, sqrt, tan.
> Double, Float, Long and Int methods from Parallel Colt:
> =======================================================
>   + abs, compare, div, divNeg, equals, isEqual (is_equal), isGreater
> (is_greater),
>   + isles (is_less), max, min, minus, mod, mult, multNeg (mult_neg),
> multSquare (mult_square),
>   + neg, plus (add), plusAbs (plus_abs), pow (power), sign, square.
> Long and Int methods from Parallel Colt
> =======================================
>   + and, dec, factorial, inc, not, or, shiftLeft (shift_left),
> shiftRightSigned
>       (shift_right_signed), shiftRightUnsigned (shift_right_unsigned), xor.
> MDArray installation and download:
> ==================================
>   + Install Jruby
>   + jruby 亡 gem install mdarray
> MDArray Homepages:
> ==================
>   + http://rubygems.org/gems/mdarray
>   + https://github.com/rbotafogo/mdarray/wiki
> Contributors:
> =============
> Contributors are welcome.
> MDArray History:
> ================
>   + 07/08/2013: Version 0.5.4 - Support for reading and writing NetCDF-3
> files
>   + 24/06/2013: Version 0.5.3 Over 90% Performance improvements for
> methods imported
>       from Parallel Colt and over 40% performance improvements for all
> other methods
>       (implemented in Ruby);
>   + 16/05/2013: Version 0.5.0 - All loops transferred to Java with over 50%
> performance
>       improvements.  Descriptive statistics from Parallel Colt;
>   + 19/04/2013: Version 0.4.3 - Fixes a simple, but fatal bug in 0.4.2.  No
> new features;
>   + 17/04/2013: Version 0.4.2 - Adds simple statistics and boolean
> operators;
>   + 05/04/2013: Version 0.4.0 Initial release.
> NetCDF-3 Writing with MDArray API
> =================================
> require 'mdarray'
> class NetCDF
>   attr_reader :dir, :filename, :max_strlen
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    #
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   def initialize
>     @dir = "~/tmp"
>     @filename1 = "testWriter"
>     @filename2 = "testWriteRecord2"
>     @max_strlen = 80
>   end
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   # Define the NetCDF-3 file
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   def define_file
>     # We pass the directory, filename, filetype and optionaly the
> outside_scope.
>     #
>     # I'm implementing in cygwin, so the need for method cygpath that
> converts the
>     # directory name to a Windows name.  In another environment, just pass
> the directory
>     # name.
>     #
>     # Inside a block we have another scope, so the block cannot access any
> variables, etc.
>     # from the ouside scope. If we pass the outside scope, in this case we
> are passing self,
>     # we can access variables in the outside scope by using
> @outside_scope.<variable>.
>     NetCDF.define(cygpath(@dir), @filename1, "netcdf3", self) do
>       # add dimensions
>       dimension "lat", 64
>       dimension "lon", 128
>       # add variables and attributes
>       # add Variable double temperature(lat, lon)
>       variable "temperature", "double", [@dim_lat, @dim_lon]
>       variable_att @var_temperature, "units", "K"
>       variable_att @var_temperature, "scale", [1, 2, 3]
>       # add a string-value variable: char svar(80)
>       # note that this is created as a scalar variable although in NetCDF-3
> there is no
>       # string type and the string has to be represented as a char type.
>       variable "svar", "string", [], {:max_strlen =>
> @outside_scope.max_strlen}
>       # add a 2D string-valued variable: char names(names, 80)
>       dimension "names", 3
>       variable "names", "string", [@dim_names], {:max_strlen =>
> @outside_scope.max_strlen}
>       # add a scalar variable
>       variable "scalar", "double", []
>       # add global attributes
>       global_att "yo", "face"
>       global_att "versionD", 1.2, "double"
>       global_att "versionF", 1.2, "float"
>       global_att "versionI", 1, "int"
>       global_att "versionS", 2, "short"
>       global_att "versionB", 3, "byte"
>     end
>   end
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   # write data on the above define file
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   def write_file
>     NetCDF.write(cygpath(@dir), @filename1, self) do
>       temperature = find_variable("temperature")
>       shape = temperature.shape
>       data = MDArray.fromfunction("double", shape) do |i, j|
>         i * 1_000_000 + j * 1_000
>       end
>       write(temperature, data)
>       svar = find_variable("svar")
>       write_string(svar, "Two pairs of ladies stockings!")
>       names = find_variable("names")
>       # careful here with the shape of a string variable.  A string
> variable has one
>       # more dimension than it should as there is no string type in
> NetCDF-3.  As such,
>       # if we look as names' shape it has 2 dimensions, be we need to
> create a one
>       # dimension string array.
>       data = MDArray.string([3], ["No pairs of ladies stockings!",
>                                   "One pair of ladies stockings!",
>                                   "Two pairs of ladies stockings!"])
>       write_string(names, data)
>       # write scalar data
>       scalar = find_variable("scalar")
>       write(scalar, 222.333 )
>     end
>   end
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   # Define a file for writing one record at a time
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   def define_one_at_time
>     NetCDF.define(cygpath(@dir), @filename2, "netcdf3", self) do
>       dimension "lat", 3
>       dimension "lon", 4
>       # zero sized dimension is an unlimited dimension
>       dimension "time", 0
>       variable "lat", "float", [@dim_lat]
>       variable_att @var_lat, "units", "degree_north"
>       variable "lon", "float", [@dim_lon]
>       variable_att @var_lon, "units", "degree_east"
>       variable "rh", "int", [@dim_time, @dim_lat, @dim_lon]
>       variable_att @var_rh, "long_name", "relative humidity"
>       variable_att @var_rh, "units", "percent"
>       variable "T", "double", [@dim_time, @dim_lat, @dim_lon]
>       variable_att @var_t, "long_name", "surface temperature"
>       variable_att @var_t, "units", "degC"
>       variable "time", "int", [@dim_time]
>       variable_att @var_time, "units", "hours since 1990-01-01"
>     end
>   end
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   # Define a file for writing one record at a time
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   def write_one_at_time
>      NetCDF.write(cygpath(@dir), @filename2, self) do
>       lat = find_variable("lat")
>       lon = find_variable("lon")
>       # write non recored data to the variables
>       write(lat, MDArray.float([3], [41, 40, 39]))
>       write(lon, MDArray.float([4], [-109, -107, -105, -103]))
>       # get record variables from file
>       rh = find_variable("rh")
>       time = find_variable("time")
>       t = find_variable("T")
>       # there is no method find_dimension for NetcdfFileWriter, so we need
> to get the
>       # dimension from a variable.
>       rh_shape = rh.shape
>       dim_lat = rh_shape[1]
>       dim_lon = rh_shape[2]
>       (0...10).each do |time_idx|
>         # fill rh_data array
>         rh_data = MDArray.fromfunction("int", [dim_lat, dim_lon]) do |lat,
> lon|
>           time_idx * lat * lon
>         end
>         # reshape rh_data so that it has the same shape as rh variable
>         # Method reshape! reshapes the array in-place without data copying.
>         rh_data.reshape!([1, dim_lat, dim_lon])
>         # fill temp_data array
>         temp_data = MDArray.fromfunction("double", [dim_lat, dim_lon]) do
> |lat, lon|
>           time_idx * lat * lon / 3.14159
>         end
>         # reshape temp_data array so that it has the same shape as temp
> variable.
>         temp_data.reshape!([1, dim_lat, dim_lon])
>         # write the variables
>         write(time, MDArray.int([1], [time_idx * 12]), [time_idx])
>         write(rh, rh_data, [time_idx, 0, 0])
>         write(t, temp_data, [time_idx, 0, 0])
>       end # End time_idx loop
>     end
>   end
> end
> netcdf = NetCDF.new
> netcdf.define_file
> netcdf.write_file
> netcdf.define_one_at_time
> netcdf.write_one_at_time
> -- 
> Rodrigo Botafogo
> Integrando TI ao seu neg〓io

Takeshi Horinouchi
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
N10W5 Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan