DCL:GRPH1:SLPACK: Layout Routines:Explanation of Main Subroutines
Resets the level-1 frame defined by the sheet size in the A series or the B series.
CSIZE (C*3) Specifies the size and direction of a frame. The first 2 characters specify size, and the third specifies the direction. The size of a frame is specified in the A or B series (such as A4, B5) The direction of the frame is specified as: Portrait: 'T'ate or 'P'ortrait, Landscape: 'Y'oko or 'L'andscape Also, by setting to 'A'uto, a frame is allotted as 'Y'oko if the horizontal axis is longer and 'T'ate if vertical axis is longer according to aspect ratio of the maximum frame specified by SLINIT. For example, when setting a landscape frame with A4 size, specify as 'A4Y'.
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