2.4.3 msgdmp

Outputs message. Depending on the specified parameter, the program is either aborted or continued.
Explanation of Parameters
clev (C*1) Specifies a message level to either  'E', 'W' or 'M'. Their meanings and effects are as follows.
    'E': Fatal error. Program aborted.
    'W':  Warning. Program continued after taking adequate actions.
    'M': Message. No changes made. Program continues to run without any changes (or with some trivial changes made).
csub (C*6) Specifies the name of a subroutine calling msgdmp
cmsg (C*(*)) Message to be printed
When 'E' is specified,  the OSABRT routine is called to perform the system-dependent error processing and forcefully abort the program. (See  3.3.5 for details.)
The subroutine has the same effect for parameters  'W' and 'M'. The user should distinguish between the two parameters.
The maximum number of character for CMSG is 174.
The output device number for the message is defined by the internal variable 'MSGUNIT' (initial value 6).
The maximum number of output messages is defined by the internal variable 'MAXMSG' (initial value 20).
The maximum number of characters in a single line is defined by the internal variable 'NLNSIZE'  (inintial value 78).
The level of the output message is defined by the internal variable 'MSGLEV' (initial value 0).
The subroutine MSZDMP exists below this routine.