This file defines additional method of NumRu::GGraph. This method is for drawing vector on merdional sections.
is more than 3D.vector_on_merdional_section(fx, fy, newframe=true, options=nil)
Draw vector by selecting the first 2 dimensions
(with GPhys#first2D) if gphys
is more than 3D.
options (Hash) : options to change the default behavior if specified. It is a Hash with option names (String) as keys and their values. Options are interpreted by a NumRu::Misc::KeywordOptAutoHelp, so you can shorten the keys (by omitting tails) as long as it is unambiguous.
option name default value # description: "title" nil # Title of the figure(if nil, internally # determined) "annotate" true # if false, do not put texts on the right # margin even when newframe==true "transpose" false # if true, exchange x and y axes "flow_vect" true # If true, use DCLExt::flow_vect to draw # vectors; otherwise, DCL::ugvect is used "xintv" 1 # (Effective only if flow_vect) interval # sampling in x of data "yintv" 1 # (Effective only if flow_vect) interval # of data sampling in y "factor" 1.0 # (Effective only if flow_vect) scaling # factor to strech/reduce the arrow # lengths. "use_before_scale" # false #(Effective only unless flow_vect) If true, # use scale factor before vector. "unit_vect" false # Show the unit vector "max_unit_vect" false # (Effective only if flow_vect && # unit_vect) If true, use the maximum # arrows to scale the unit vector; # otherwise, normalize in V coordinate.