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AdvancedDCL -- a scientific graphic library based on DCL
by N. Kawanabe, and T. Horinouchi
AdvancedDCL is a scientific graphic library based on
the Ruby version of the
DCL library.
What's AdvancedDCL
AdvancedDCL is a graphic library to visualize numeric data. It covers
wide variety of 1D and 2D graphics as well as limited 3D graphics.
It is based on RubyDCL...(now underconstruction)
Before installing this library, the following libraries must have been
- Ruby version 1.6 (or later)
- The C version of dcl:
dcl-5.2-C (or a later version)
- RubyDCL (1.beta or later)
- NArray and of DCL -- these libraries must have been installed if
you have installed RubyDCL
Next, install this library with the next command (if you are using Unix):
% ruby install.rb
% ruby install.rb --prefix=path
Here, "%" is a "prompt"; do not type it. The option prefix can be used
to change the install directory, whose default is the standard
site-dependent library path of the ruby you are using. The option is
especially useful if Ruby has been installed in a system directory and
you are not a super-user.
Since AdvancedDCL is written entirely with Ruby, the installation
involves nothing more than file copying.
Takeshi Horinouchi (
GFD Dennou Club: 
Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2000, 2001. All rights reserved.