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[dennou-ruby:004066] Forward: Re: Bug#960977: warning: $SAFE will become a normal global variable in Ruby 3.0

堀之内様, 皆様: 佐々木です.

Ruby NetCDF について, 以下の Bug Report が来てました.

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Hi Youhei,

On 5/19/20 2:07 AM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> The safe/taint mechanism was removed from Ruby in version 2.7. It's now
> a no-op, and in Ruby 3.0 it will cause ruby-netcdf to crash.
> For example, you can reproduce the issue with this command:
> $ ruby -rnumru/netcdf -e 'puts NumRu::NetCDF.create_tmp'
> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/numru/netcdf.rb:144: warning: $SAFE will become a normal global variable in Ruby 3.0
> #<NumRu::NetCDF:0x0000563aa3714fd8>

Since ruby-netcdf looks dead upstream with no new release since 2016,
should we bother to patch this or just remove the package from the archive?

Kind Regards,


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