Cygwin installation guide for using Dennou Ruby products

<Last modified: 2006-03-01 13:50:00 JST>

Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.

In this page, we explain how to set up Cygwin for using Dennou Ruby products. (confirmed on Windows XP)

Installation with Cygwin Setup

1. Download the installer setup.exe from Cygwin official site.

2. Execute setup.exe.

2. Cygwin Setup

3. Choose "Install from Internet".

Choose Installation Type

4. Select installation directory.

Choose Installation Directory

For example, "D:\cygwin".

Check the following options:

5. Select local package directory.

Select Local Package Directory

For example, "D:\cygwin\setup".

6. Choose connection method.

Select Connection Type

Usually, "Use IE5 Settings".

7. Choose Download site.

Choose Download Site(s)

For example, "". Choose one near you.

8. Select packages.

Select Packages

It is the easiest way to install all packages. Click the installation flag "Default" on category "All", then installation flags of the all categories are changed to "Install".

If your hard disk does not have enough capacity, select as following at least to use Dennou Ruby products:

9. After downloading packages, installation is started automatically.

Now installing...

10. Create Icons on the Desktop and Start Menu.

Create Icons

11. Installation is successfully done.

Installation Complete

Running Cygwin/X

Click the Desktop icon of Cygwin. Cygwin terminal (command prompt) is coming up. Home directory is automatically set at the first execution of Cygwin terminal.

Type following command for running X server:

$ startx

X server icon is displayed on the Task Tray, and xterm is comes up. (X root window is not displayed. X client applications are directly displayed on Windows screen. )


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